Case study of an AI-powered CRM at the heart of business acceleration

28 NOV
In this masterclass, you'll learn how to embrace the latest AI innovations to accelerate and transform your marketing activities with ease, on a unified system that works for you, thanks to enriched and contextualized CRM data.

Pain points traités

  • Comment assurer une production de contenu sans interruption, pour asseoir votre notoriĂ©tĂ© sur de multiples canaux ?
  • Comment s'appuyer sur l'IA pour construire facilement et rapidement des workflows d'engagement, et vous assurer un alignement efficace avec le commerce ?
  • Comment construire une analyse de vos donnĂ©es de campagnes fiable, sans ĂŞtre un expert en Business Intelligence ?
Case study of an AI-powered CRM at the heart of business acceleration

Presented by


Antoine Martin

Corporate Account Executive

Yves Bourgoin

Corporate Sales Manager

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